Q.I Have Rooted Geranium Cuttings In 4″ Pots. Can I Overwinter Them In Pots In A Garage?
Hello! I took geranium cuttings 6 weeks ago (late summer) and now have about 40 rooted plants in 4″ pots. Can I overwinter plants that small? I can a) keep them above freezing in my garage (lowest temp 33F) and give them supplemental light or b) bring them inside at 70 degrees with no direct sun. I have successfully dry-stored mature zonal geraniums in that garage just fine, but these rooted cuttings are still quite small. Is there hope?

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
It is likely that many of them will survive. Just treat them as you would when overwintering larger plants.
Letting them dormant, as you are wanting to do, is best. This article will help:
This collection of articles will offer more information: