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Weed Control

Q.I have recently moved into a new house. I have large areas of weeds that I need to get rid of. I have uploaded two particular ty

Zone Baildon, West Yorkshire | Anonymous added on June 19, 2020 | Answered

pes. How can I get rid of these and recover the grass lawn? Photos enclosed. About half of my lawn is covered with these weeds.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 22, 2020

It looks like trefoil and white clover, among others, which are annual weeds. One thing you can do to help combat annual weeds is not let them go to seed. Keep mowing as often as you need to so they can't form seed heads.

You can use a post emergent herbicide to combat them now, but once the flower is present, they are in the end of their life cycle and the herbicides are not as effective. May just as well keep mowing at this point. Here are some articles that should help your weed management. You are basically dealing with annual and perennial weeds plus grassy weeds.




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