Q.I Have Planted Several Globe Thistles And The Leaves Start Yellowing From The Bottom Of The Plant. What Is This A Sign Of? I Los
t the first plant and spoke to a nursery and think I may have overwatered it. I have since planted two more and am watering them less. I did read that newly planted globe thistles should be watered twice/wk for the first month. When I planted the second time, I added sand to the soil. I live in Richmond, VA and our soil has some clay in it. Also, when watering globe thistles, how do you best adjust when it rains? Thank you. I love globe thistles and would love for these new plants to thrive.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
It sounds like thick soil has lead to overwatering. Generally, I wouldn't water these drought tolerant plants at all! They are well adapted to dry conditions, and will not thrive in wet soils.
Make sure to check the soil with a meter. Make sure that it is dry, down to about 3 or 4 inches, thoroughly. Once it is dry down to this depth, you can water enough to keep your other plants happy.
This article will help you to use a soil moisture meter:
This article will help you to grow globe thistle: