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Zone New Jersey | Anonymous added on November 8, 2016 | Answered

I have newly planted roses from cuttings in pots and they just started to have new leaves. I’m not sure if I should take them inside the house now. Please help me. I don’t know what to do with these new potted roses now that it’s getting colder specially at night. I think they may have roots already because they started to have new leaves. Do I leave them outside and just cover them or take them inside the house and place them by the window?

Thank you very much for your help.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on November 13, 2016

It is probably time to move them inside. If you can obtain a bottle of a product called Super Thrive I recommend doing so. It is available on Ebay if not locally. Watering the roses with this product in the water will help them deal with the shocks and stresses of being moved indoors. There are many times some stress signs when moving them indoors, such as the leaves turning yellow and falling off. Be sure not to over water them, just moist soils. Buy a moisture meter if you do not have one so you know when watering is really needed. If the location placed does not seem to be what they need, you will want to set up an area with a grow light or grow lights to get them through the winter period.

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