Q.I have lots of flowers on my runner beans but there are no bees to pollinate can you advise what to do?
I have grown vegetables before with no problems but this year it is terrible.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Beans are self fertile, and do not require any help with pollination. The slightest breeze will pollinate the flowers. While this can be a case for some of the antique cultivars, it is not common. More than likely, there is a different problem.
These problems include too much moisture, not enough phosphorus in the soil, slightly too much nitrogen in the soil, or temperatures that are too warm. Alternatively, the soil could be a little too acidic, which will make phosphorus unavailable to the plant. A soil test will confirm this.
This article will help you with your issues: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/vegetables/beans/bean-blossoms-no-pods.htm
This article will give you more information on the proper care of beans: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/vines/scarlet-runner-bean/growing-scarlet-runner-beans.htm