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Hyacinth Plant

Q.less fruit on peach tree each year

Zone 5 | Anonymous added on July 25, 2016 | Answered

I have less and less fruit on my peach tree each year. The tree is 5 years old. I have 4 peaches. Each peach has a clear sappy drop on it. There were only a few blossoms this spring and it took until now before all the leaves came out. Plenty of peaches the first 3 years. I only had 6 peaches last year.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 26, 2016

Lack of fruit on a healthy tree is usually caused by one of three things. Too much nitrogen (are they in your lawn?) means more leaves, less fruit. Improper pruning can destroy potential fruit bearing branches. Lack of pollination is the third. Got Bees? Mild winters or early freezes can also wreak havoc on a trees production schedule.

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