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Lemon Trees

Q.I Have Grown 2 Lemon Trees From Seeds Just As Your Article Said. They Trees Have Reach A Tall Height But Have Only Produced Thorn

Zone Lake Martin area of Alabama | Anonymous added on July 12, 2022 | Answered

s…no lemons or blooms. Suggestions? I have the lemon trees in very large pots and have them in full sun. They have gotten so tall I’ve had to cut them back twice.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on July 21, 2022

Are you fertilizing the trees and providing adequate water? When growing from seed, patience is a virtue. It can take years to get blooms, and longer, if ever, to get fruit.


If you really want to grow lemons, it's best to purchase a grafted tree from the nursery. They can be fruiting in two years or less.


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