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Fig Tree

Q.I have an old fig tree in my conservatory, it has many figs growing on it

Joanna Craddock added on September 14, 2012 | Answered

The fig tree in my conservatory has lots of figs on it; however many of the growing fruits have white, soft cocoon-like things on them. Do you have an idea what this could be and of what danger, if any, to the tree/fruit? Thank you, I am asking from the UK.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 23, 2012

There are several caterpillars it could be and I would not be thrilled to see them on the plant. The problem is not so much what is in the cocoons as what will emerge will lay eggs on the tree, which will hatch and eat the leaves and fruit.

I would recommend hand removing as many of the cocoons as you can see and then treat the tree with neem oil. The neem oil will keep any eggs and larva from reaching the next stage. Plus, neem oil is organic and food safe, so it is good for use on fruit trees.

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