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Clover Plants

Q.I Have An Mini Clover Lawn. Planted It About 6 To8 Weeks Ago. It Is Gorgeous. Unfortunately It Is Starting To DieSEw

Zone Sewell,nj 08080 | Bob Kurz added on July 1, 2022 | Answered

I am now seeing patches of dirt that previously had heavy clover growth. Perculation test shows excessive soil drainage. ph is around 6.0. I did apply some granulated lime prior to seeding. seeded with a broadcast spreader on the surface. (no roto tilling)Hard to find any expert advice.I contacted the company I purchased the seed from but I can get them to respond. I really need help. Any ideas would be appreciated.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on July 1, 2022

Adding coco coir and worm casting to these bare spots and reseeding will, likely, solve the issue. This will help these areas to maintain a, more constant, supply of moisture while the clover establishes.

This article will offer more information on how to get the soil to hold more moisture in those areas:


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