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Hyacinth Plant

Q.ixora plant

Zone Corpus Christi, Texas | Gatorthumb added on October 11, 2015 | Answered

I have an Ixora in a container and it only has 5/6 spindly branches and doesn’t bloom. How do I get it to more of a shrub (fuller looking) and to produce flowers? I live in South Texas and the plants are south facing on a porch in 2-3 gallon planter pots.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on October 13, 2015

There can be a few reasons for the lack of growth and blooms.

Ixora need full sun locations.

Your plants also may not have a large enough pot to grow in and do not have the correct soil content for good growth.

Ixora have some specific growing and nutrition needs.

Here is a link that will refresh you on the care requirements.


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