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Corn Palm

Q.overwatered corn plant

Zone zone 9 | LoriJ added on September 11, 2014 | Answered

I have an indoor corn plant that was over watered then let to go bone dry. Can it grow again? This tree was fine 6 months ago, but now it has lost all its leaves and the cane is brown but not brittle. Can I revive it?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on September 12, 2014

if the mass cane has lost all its leaves, I doubt that there's any real life left in it. If the canes (by canes I'm guessing you mean the green stems, or heads, since the canes are the large straight pieces from which the heads sprout, and these are always brown) have turned brown, they're dead. Mass canes can recover from 6 months of no water (I've seen them do it,) but they can be killed by several weeks of soaked roots. The key to success with them is to test the soil moisture all the way to the bottom of the pot. Test moisture with an electronic meter, or a simple wooden dowel or bamboo kebob skewer. The moisture level should be very slightly moist; unless the plant is in very low light, then the level should be completely dry.

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