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Garden Pest Control

Q.airplane plant

Zone Peoria heights IL | Anonymous added on July 29, 2016 | Answered

I have an airplane. I’ve had it 4 years now, and every spring/summer I put it outside. Yesterday I noticed flies on it. I shooed them off. Today, flies are back on it but are dead. Upon closer inspection, the plant appears they have then wrapped up like it’s eating them! Are/can they be a carnivorous plant?! I’m so intrigued and feel silly for asking! I’ve never heard of this plant eating bugs. Thank you for your time I’m anxiously waiting for a response and am willing to send pictures.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 29, 2016

There are many types of flies and I can't say for sure what insects you are dealing with.

Other pests do eat flies and perhaps they have found your supply to dine on.


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