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Tomato Plants

Q.I Have A Soil-meter But Don’t Know The Correct Balance.

Zone Fullerton, Ca. | Anonymous added on August 17, 2021 | Answered

I have a soil-meter that measures soil contents, water, pH and light. What is the proper contents for Tomatoes, Lemon Trees, Lime Trees and roses?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 1, 2021

This is not a set answer. All of these factors should fluctuate, slightly, throughout the year. In fact, that is how you know that the plant is performing properly! Except for sunlight, all of these factors should change some. All of these plants require full sun for as long as they can get it.

When you water, you will want to do so until water comes out of your drainage holes. Then, remove all extra water, so that it does not sit in it. Or water deeply, if in the ground. The meter should read "dry" down to the first few inches, at least, between waterings.

For more information on their pH, and nutrient needs,
These articles will help:





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