Q.I have a scheflera plant that is 30 years old. It has one very thick stem and is about 2 foot tall. What can I do improve the ap
pearance of the plant? Tall and top heavy.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
If there are some leaves or growth close to the bottom then cutting the stem down the the preferred height will cause branching.
If there are no leaves on the lower portions of the shrub, then this can be slightly risky. MOST of the time it will force branching. Sometimes it can cause the death of the shrub depending on the health. If the shrub is healthy overall, then cutting will certainly force branching. As long as you can leave a few leaves for photosynthesis, then you will have almost 100% success.
This article will give you more information: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/houseplants/schefflera/schefflera-plant-pruning.htm