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Ponytail Palm Trees

Q.I Have A Ponytail Palm Tree That I Am Preparing To Repot. It Is At Least 50 Years Old In The Same Pot. 2 Years Ago, I Had To Tra

Zone Albuquerque, NM 87112 | Anonymous added on June 12, 2022 | Answered

nsport on the highway and it lost its “top.” See additional details for more. “Top” has grown back, and more besides! I am watering once per month, which was recommended. The ponytail palm tree has not only grown a new “top,” it has literally exploded with new growth! For at least the past year. Sprouts and growth coming through the bulb in the bottom of the plant (4 or 5 which are pretty large now; sprouts along the single stem from bottom to top, etc. I may have watered it too much, but is the plant ruined? It certainly looks quite hearty and healthy! Inside in a pot but gets lots of light. Any advice you can provide on the state of this tree? Any other advice you can provide for repotting? I have basic instructions and what to use for soil mixture, etc. Also the pot into which it will be transplanted is a bit too deep. Okay to place rocks for extra drainage in the bottom?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 14, 2022

You can use the same pot if you like and just refresh the soil.
Or you can repot into a container that is one size larger. Rocks in the bottom of a container are no longer recommended.

Here is info on repotting:


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