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Mulberry Trees

Q.I Have A Mulberry Tree In Phoenix AZ. Its Dropping Leaves Lately With Extreme Heat In 110 + Degree Weather. How Often Should I

Zone Phoneix AZ | tara.dawson1 added on August 6, 2020 | Answered

Phoenix has 110+ degree weather

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 6, 2020

The question didn't seem to have finished, but I think I know what is being asked.

Watering should be done when necessary, and not on schedule. This will need to be watered once the soil dries down to about 5 inches or so, very thoroughly. You can get away with watering a little more often, but they will tolerate drier conditions at the top of the soil level.

Overwatering can cause soil infections, which can cause leaf drop.

I would treat with a fungicide, and make sure to use proper care with the tree. These articles will help:



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