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Q.I Have A Large Weeping Willow Tree Suffering Badly From Anthracnose. Is There Anything I Can Do To Help It?

Zone LE65 1WT | Lesley B added on May 22, 2023 | Answered

There is a great deal of dead wood on the tree and a very limited number of leaves where the wood has not died, not in a very good condition. I have been in the house for 40 years and it was a well-established tree when I came. It grows near a brook so it is not short of water.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 22, 2023

This may be a battle, but with good sanitation you can keep it under control. This article will help:


This will help you to find your closest extension service:


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