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Hibiscus Plants

Q.I Have A Hardy Hibiscus That I’ve Had For A Few Years – Was Doing Great Until We Put Down The Fabric To Control Weeds

Zone 52656 | Anonymous added on October 7, 2023 | Answered

After putting the fabric down the plant looks like it is dry all the time but is not & the plant had lots of buds but none of the buds opened & most of the buds looked like they dried up & eventually fell off there is only a few still on the plant – but they didn’t bloom – the rest just fell off? Why?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 9, 2023

It seems that the fabric is preventing water absorption. They are designed to allow water through but it does sound like the fabric is the culprit. Do you have mulch on top of the fabric? It could be too much "new" above the roots is preventing water and oxygen. I suggest removing the weed fabric and leaving the mulch.

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