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Chinaberry Trees

Q.I have a group {4-5} China Berry Trees growing next to my cooler. I have a 6 y.o. China Berry Tree on the other side of same cooler

Zone 85308 | Anonymous added on June 26, 2019 | Answered

How do I dig up the group { roots and all} to replant on the other side of same yard? I already have a square hole about 2 feet deep dug. This group is about 6 weeks old and almost 6 feet tall. The trunks of the group are smaller than an inch thick.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 26, 2019

If you can wait until winter for transplanting they will be more likely to survive a move during their dormant period in cooler weather. If you have to move them now, dig them up with plenty of soil in a "root ball". Water right away after moving and then every day until you see some new growth happening. Then water a couple of times a week until they lose their leaves for winter.

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