Q.I Have A Grapevine That’s Grown Over A Sitting Area And Wonder. How I Can Make It Aesthetically Pleasing By Raising One End About
.5′ I will send photo in another email. I like to entertain outside under the vines, it’s beautiful. The vines need to be lifted 1 – 2′ for taller people. If I attached 3 support wires to fixtures on house, what could I place on the wires to lift it all up. I want it to look natural. Maybe couple strips of dark screen, but I want parts of the vine to hang thru so it’s natural. I am on a big budget so building a trellis is not possible. I also would like to know, what type of flowers, 3-4 would compliment the grape vine area, or vice versa I will send a pic soon. The building is yellow brick with dark window boxes. I’d like to know what flowers are durable with larger blooms?
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
You could use fallen or pruned branches from a tree to run under the grapevine for a natural look, attached with jute or twine. Here are more ideas:
For complementary flowers, here are some ideas: