Q.I Have A Fig Tree About 4-5 Years Old And Never Produced Any Figs. Last Year The Leaves Turned Yellow And It Was All Over The Tree
. This year the leaves are healthy but no figs. What I can do? Someone told me to add Boron and micronutrients to the soil in th e Fall. Thank you for all your help! . I have a fig tree about 4-5 years old and never produced any figs. Last year the leaves turned yellow and it was all over the tree. This year the leaves are healthy but no figs. What I can do? This year the leaves are healthy, green, but no fruit at all. Someone told me to add Boron and micronutrients to the soil in the Fall. Thank you for all your help!

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Id does sound like the soil nutrition needs to be adjusted. Test the soil, first, to find out what is missing.
Once you add what is missing, or what is off, then all it will take is proper care: