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Ficus Trees

Q.Ficus Bonsai without leaves

Zone 8, Seattle, WA | MaliaJJ added on April 13, 2015 | Answered

All I have left of it is the stump, can I revive it? If so, how? Any info will help. Thanks

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 14, 2015

What conditions led up to your ficus bonsai losing its leaves?

Here is an article that discusses why ficus tree lose their leaves and courses of treatment:

If none of the information in the above article resonates with you, then I would examine your tree's root system to determine if it has become pot-bound (if so, re-pot in larger pot) and to see if it still has a healthy root system. Examine the roots for signs of rot, such as discoloration and a mushy texture. If there is evidence of rot you will want to prune away the damaged roots and re-pot your ficus in fresh soil.

Additionally, I would read the following article for a refresher on ficus care and make sure you are doing everything right:

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