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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Amaranthus cruentus (Love lies bleeding)

Zone Los Angeles, CA | Newbee3 added on November 26, 2013 | Answered

I have a Amaranthus cruentus (Love lies bleeding) that I grew from seeds and is now about 15 in long. The plant, however, does not seem to be standing up on its own yet. Do I need sticks for it, or will it eventually stand on its own once it gets stronger? It’s in a deep pot, but it’s hanging over the edges. About four stalks sprouted, all about a few inches apart.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on November 29, 2013

If it is not yet standing up, then you may want to give it some support. Weak stalks would indicate that the plant may not be getting enough sunlight, so you may want to check that as well.

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