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Clematis Plants

Q.I Have A 7 Year Old Nelly Moser Vine. Last Year A Small Purple Colored Flower Bloomed On The End Of The Nelly Vine. I Thought It W

Zone Vancouver, WA | Anonymous added on June 18, 2021 | Answered

as strange but did not research what was going on. This year my Nelly Moser vine bloomed beautifully the middle of May for about 2 weeks. Then about a week later as all the blooms were fading another double bigger purple and white flower grew again on the end of the vine but larger this year and about a week later another double purple and white larger with some yellow green flower petals bloomed on the same vine but further out. I did some research and it appears to be a Tiaga Clematis. It is a really unusual but beautiful flower. How does this happen? I have not purchased a Tiaga Clematis and frankly I had never heard of it. I am dumbfounded. How does something like this occur? Thanks for any help

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 30, 2021

It looks prettier than a Tiaga. It's possible the grower had a small piece of Tiaga in with your plant and it just got large enough to bloom. Another possibility, and more likely, is that you have a sport. That is a mutation in the genes, and it happens quite often. Here is more:


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