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Burning Bush Plants

Q.I Have 6 “Little Moses” Burning Bushes That Have Recently Started Changing Color-now Spotted Leaves And Dropping Off.

Zone 48831 | smfabus added on August 11, 2020 | Answered

We are Zone 6 (Michigan) These bushes are on the west side of our garage so they get afternoon sun. They are not ‘mulched with bark but with stones’. Not sure what is going on with them. We’ve had plenty of rain.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 13, 2020

That last sentence sums it up quite well.

These have been overwatered. This can be very hard to know since it is covered in stones. This will hide the soil so that you cannot see how dry it is, and can hold it more moisture. I would recommend using actual mulch, or even none at all with these shrubs. They are quite drought tolerant, but will succumb to disease, easily.

At this time, you will need a fungicide. Biofungicides can help keep the soil from getting too infected, as well.

Here are some articles that will help:





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Burning Bush Plants
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