Q.I Have 4 Photinia Red Robins With 1.9m Clear Stems Which Were Planted Sept 2017. 3 Of These Have Sprouted Lots Of New Growth. Wit
h red leaves but the 4th does not have a lot of new growth but lots of flower buds. What could cause the lack of new red leafed ne w growth. All have been treated the same way (watering/feed)? I have had to have the nursery replace one tree and that has done very well. The tree in question is not in the same state as the one I replaced. The subject Red Robin is quite close to a beech hedge compared with the others. This last winter 2019 was very wet!
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
It's possible the photinia is competing for nutrients with the beech hedge, or it is getting more rain runoff than the others. From the photo it looks like it's lower than the others but I can't really tell if there is an incline or not. Photinia doesn't tolerate waterlogged soils so I would check for that. Is it getting more shade than the others? That could cause leaf loss. Also check the leaves for spots (Photinia leaf spot).