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Hydrangea Plants

Q.I have 3 hydraengeia plants that for the past 2 years don\’t bloom at all. In the past they’ve had beautiful blooms.Help!

Zone 16801 | beckye11 added on December 13, 2018 | Answered

I don’t have any pics, the bushes are about 3-4 feet tall by 3-4 feet wide.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on December 16, 2018

How and when you prune your hydrangeas is crucial to whether it will bloom. Some hydrangea should be pruned right after blooming; others can be pruned late winter or early spring. A common mistake is to look at those bleached out old branches after leaf drop and assume they are dead. Big mistake. Next year's blooms may be in those dead-looking stalks. Here is more on pruning hydrangea: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/shrubs/hydrangea/prune-hydrangea-bushes-hydrangea-pruning-instructions.htm
If you don't know what type of hydrangea you have, don't prune for a year or tow and observe the plant's behavior: does is bloom on old wood (stalks formed the previous year) or does it bloom on current year's growth. Endless summer is a newish hydrangea that blooms on both old and new wood. It also requires more sunlight than older species.

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Answered on December 13, 2018

Without photos and more information on growing conditions and your soil fertility and water management it is impossible to give specific recommendations. But as a general tip, nutrient deficiencies may be responsible. It is important to keep up with fertilization and compost mulching.

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