Q.I Have 2 Dwarf Magnolias In Pots. 1 Is About 6ft But Only With Leaves For The Top 2 Foot. The 2nd Is About 4 Foot High With Leaves
in the bottom 2 feet. Any clues . Can I prune the small one to just above the leaves
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
I see signs of soils that remain too wet, or heavy. This is likely the root of the problems.
The issue that you run into, here, is that many species of Magnolia are grafted. The bottom growth that you see is likely not that of the Magnolia that you intended to purchase. I would not keep this growth, but you have no choice if the top is dead. Make sure before you cut the top of by using the scratch test:
If the top is still alive and you see signs of budding, then I would remove all bottom growth. It the top is dead, then cut it off and let the bottom growth take over, as a different Magnolia species. Repot into fresh potting soil and compost mixed into a container which has drainage holes to allow all extra water out.
As for the one with top growth...
Leave it alone, with the exception of giving it fresh soil as described above, and potting into a container with drainage holes to allow all extra water to leave.
Treating with a fungicide will help, as well: