Q.I had 2 Lacy tree philodendron plants. One died. Can I cut the top of the other and start a new plant?
I have had these plants from my Grandmother, who produced more plants from cuttings, for decades. They were brought into the garage last Winter and I was not consistently watering them. I want to cut what I have to start a new plant. Although my grandmother instructed me on how to do it using root stimulator, I can’t recall exactly the entire procedure. Can you advise?

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Philodendron plants are fairly easy to propagate. Use scissors or a razor cutter to cut a stem from the surviving plant. Remove all but a few leaves from the bottom of the stem. Dip the bare stem into whatever root hormone you're using, and plant the slip in fresh potting soil, deep enough so that at least a few nodes from the cut leaves are covered in soil. Keep the soil damp. New roots will form within twenty days or so.