Q.I Found Caterpillars In My Schefflera Golden Capella.
We have also noticed that the leaves have a white film on them and black spots? The leaves don’t dry out but they will turn black and fall off? The greenhouse recommended malathion so we used this once but the capetillars (centipides) are still alive. Thanks for any help you are able to provide

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
It looks like powdery mildew with the white spots. I would suggest cleaning your plant's leaves and treating it with neem oil after you pick off any caterpillars. It may require more than one treatment. This article will help you deal with it: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/houseplants/schefflera/sticky-schefflera-leaves.htm
Bt is often recommended for caterpillars/worms if you are reluctant to remove them manually.