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Pine Trees

Q.I Found A Sprouted Pinecone How Should I Nurture It?

Zone Arlington, WA | Kimibythesea added on April 10, 2021 | Answered

I found a sprouted pinecone how should I nurture it? Should I place it on top of soil, plant the pinecone, or something else? Any other insight will be appreciated.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 12, 2021

How fortunate!

There is no need for the pinecone part, but if you cannot get the root out, then you will want to cut off the section that the seedling is growing out of. The seeds usually fall out of the pinecone, but this one stayed in and sprouted.

It appears to be a Douglas Fir or related species. This article will help you to care for it:


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