Q.I Don’t AGREE To Cookies Etc.
Hey there- just fyi, i’m pretty sure you’re losing loads of repeat visitors becoz of the way you handle the ‘cookie’ permission. #1. Its too big, i can’t even see what’s behind the cookie window- and that means i’m gone in 60 micro seconds. #2. Cookies are being used to insert viruses- it’s a growing trend. People will reject your ‘cookie’ window- and again, losing valuable visitors. #3. Nobody trusts fake media and especially “Phake Gvmnt” these days with the curfews, vaccinations, quarantines, impositions on freedom- i’m 80% sure any visitors concerned about their privacy will simply bail out on your ‘cookie’ offer. Just a final word, i never revisit a site that gives me a huge ‘cookie’ offer i can’t get around- that’s it, a once time visit & gone for good. You’re 100% for sure losing repeat visitors.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
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