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Sweet Bay Laurel Trees

Q.I Cut The Head Off My Lollipop Bay Tree Will It Grow Back?

Zone Dumfriesshire | Joe.lany27 added on September 21, 2020 | Answered

I have 2 lollipop bay tree around 140cm tall planted in a pot each that I have had for around 7 years. One is doing great the other looks dead. All the leaves turned brown. I cut into the stalk which was still green so I have cut the head with all the dead leaves off. I didn’t think it through as now I’m just left with the stalk. Will the leaves ever grow back?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 21, 2020

It is possible. It sounds like an issue that needed to be corrected with feeding, though. That or a fungal infection. I am unable to say for certain without seeing the damage.

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