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Hyacinth Plant

Q.stop my rosemary from root rot and going brown

Zone Canada | Erinzway added on February 10, 2015 | Answered

I can’t seem to stop my rosemary from going brown. It has very little green left on it. I have it sitting in my patio window and it gets midday to afternoon light and I believe that when I bought it, it was starting to suffer from root rot. I really like the smell and cooking with this plant. Is there an way I can save it or is it done? It’s 99% brown and dry looking. I have basically stopped watering it and drained out the water in its pot but it has a bottom that retains water. I think I have inadvertently killed it. I just want to know if I can save it, or can I put it in coconut shavings for orchids?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on February 10, 2015

Unfortunately, saving a plant with root rot is unlikely, especially if the disease has progressed. It sounds like you should start over with a fresh, new plant, as attempting to save your current plant will probably just be an exercise in frustration. Be sure the new plant is in a pot with a drainage hole.

This article will help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/herbs/rosemary/grow-rosemary-indoors.htm

I'm sorry that I don't know the answer to your question about orchids; however, I would be wary of using a diseased plant for this purpose.

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