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Hyacinth Plant

Q.main root broke off rose plant

Zone Northern california | Anonymous added on October 30, 2016 | Answered

I have a rose plant. 2-3″ trunk, 4ft tall with lollipop top. It’s planted in a 20″ round by 24″ tall pot. The 2″ main root grew out the bottom. While I was moving the pot, I broke off the root clean at the bottom of the pot. I’ve been watering it every day. The leaves are starting to droop. How do I keep it alive?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on November 4, 2016

The rose is telling you that it is in shock and stress mode. I would water the rosebush with some water that has both a root growth stimulation product and a product called Super Thrive mixed into the same water. Water the rosebush with this mix the next 4 to 5 times it needs watering. I would also transplant the rose into a larger and deeper pot/container. That may make it harder to move around but the rosebush has out grown its current container badly. The breaking off of the main tap root is a serious issue and she may not recover from it. The method I have recommended is the only way I know of to deal with this major shock and stress situation. If possible shield the rosebush from the most intense rays of the sun/hottest times of the day exposure while she is recovering from this event.

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