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Ghost Pepper Plants

Q.I Bought 6 Ghost Pepper Plants From A Nursery And 3 Of Them Are All Doing Different Odd Things I Dont Know How To Identify. Want T

Zone 16240 mayport pennsylvania | Monsteh27 added on August 9, 2020 | Answered

o know what they are/mixed with? The one has peppers turning purple. Normal purple jolokia plants have purple stems and flowers…mine dont. And they are becoming odd shaped and have like a lipped/tail bottom. The one next to it, has yellow/ very light peppers with little marks of purple. Different from all the others still with ghost pepper resemblence. The next has been giving me all orange peppers but now are producing tailed bottoms as well. The one next to it has normal ghosts which have been all orange as well. The other two have just been normal super spicy red jolokias. Help identify? Ive looked all over the web trying to get questions answered. Ive found similiar images to resemble mine but no answers.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 11, 2020

Because there is so much genetic variation among peppers, you should expect to see differences in appearance. It all does appear to be normal variation. Some more intense coloring can be achieved with environmental stresses, like a cool snap in the weather.

Sometimes pruning stress can bring about changes in appearance.

Most likely, these are from a previous crop that was allowed to open pollinate with something nearby. In this case, you can see quite a bit of variation among the fruit sets.

Be sure that the soil has plenty of phosphorus and potassium to keep them producing their best.

Here is an article to help you grow these peppers:


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