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USDA Zones

Q.I am wondering where you are based, is this an American website. I ask as obviously this will impact on whether the seasonal advice

Zone cb3 0jz, uk | Anonymous added on September 12, 2020 | Answered

is right for my garden in the UK. What is late winter – is this when the night frosts have ended or is it, February, March time?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 13, 2020

Yes, we are a U.S. based website. Late winter varies across the U.S., for example, in the Pacific Northwest "late winter" is usually January-February, but across the country icy winter conditions and warming times are extremely variable. Late winter in Florida is completely different from late winter in Washington or Minnesota. We at Gardening Know How reside in different parts of the country, but I believe we would agree that late winter consists of the 2-3 months right up until March, when everything first begins to bud. During that time, we still get frost overnight. The last few years have been unpredictable and record temperatures have occurred in many parts of the country. We tend to rely on the Hardiness Zones assigned by the USDA Department of Agriculture.

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