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Q.How to pot plants for move

Zone bn1 | Tiffany added on June 18, 2012 | Answered

I am moving soon and have several plants in bloom, including roses. How best can I pot them to move them to my new home?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 24, 2012

The best thing to do is to find as big a pot as possible for each plant and dig up as much of the rootball of each plant as possible. Even with this, I would highly recommend that you remove all of the flowers from the plants. While the flowers are lovely, they use up energy that the plant will will need to become established in its new home. You may even want to consider pruning each plant back by up to 1/3. This will also help the plant by reducing how much plant the root ball needs to support, and will further allow them to focus energy to becoming established.

There will be a real risk of transplant shock. This article will help with that:

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