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Peach Trees

Q.I Accidentally Over Fertilized. Is My Peach Tree Done For Good

Zone 11096 | Onlydaanish added on July 28, 2023 | Answered

So my peach tree accidentally got over fertilized and has these red spots which I tried using a copper spray to get rid of. But now it’s lost all the bottom leaves and only growing from the tops. Is it lost for good?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on July 28, 2023

Not necessarily. To remedy the situation, you should thoroughly water the containers to flush out excess fertilizer. This will help dilute the concentration of nutrients in the soil. It's also important to monitor the trees closely for any signs of stress or leaf discoloration. If necessary, you may need to repot the trees in fresh, well-draining soil to provide them with a healthier growing environment.

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