I have been reading the articles, on this site, about Hyssop and I’m trying to figure out if a plant that I have growing in my garden is hyssop or a type of hyssop, or maybe something else. So far I can’t find anything about this plant, and I have searched the description of it, but can’t seem to find it. Hyssop is the only thing that comes close to what it looks like, but I haven’t seen much hyssop that grows as tall as my plant does.
It has broad, semi-fuzzy leaves, long shoots of violet flowers, and is about 5’9″ tall. Hummingbirds and Bees love it, too. And it seems very happy growing next to my lavender. Is there any way that you could identify this thing, please?
Thank you
There are two plants that are sometimes called hyssop. One is Agastache foeniculum, Blue Giant hyssop and one is Hyssopus officinalis. I think you have the first as it is much taller. Both are loved by birds and bees.