Q.Hydrangeas Are Now Putting On Buds And Wanting To Bloom!!!
Hello my mophead hydrangea only grew up from the bottom this year. It is high probably 5 feet by 6 feet. Great foliage only until late September. It started to bud out. Had one bloom. All the cluster are there. What should I do now. I live in IL. Do I cut it back it is so big. Actually all my hydrangeas did the same except the ones that bloom on new leaves and old leaves. Thanks please tell me how to treat these.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
The mopheads bloom on old wood which means they form flower buds the previous season. That is what yours are doing. I definitely would not prune them or you will cut off next year's blooms.
Here is a rundown of how to prune the different types of hydrangeas.