I had our yard cleaned up and weeded a week or so ago, and the guy who did this cut down four of my very healthy hydrangeas to about 9-10 inches from the ground. I was not at home at the time and my husband did not catch this. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I found them like this.
Is there anything I can do besides fertilizer, to bring them back to the beautiful shrub that they were? Is it true that they will not flower when they’ve been cut down so low? I appreciate any advice you can give me.
Deb Abin

Pruning instructions depends on the type of Hydrangea that you have planted.
This severe of a pruning could very well harm the shrub but if the plants were well established, they may also recover--over time.
Do not fertilize the plants until you began to see active growth.
They you can apply a all purpose fertilizer to help them.
Depending on the variety of Hydrangea, if they form flowers on old wood, you will have no flowers this season.