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Endless Summer Hydrangea

Q.Hydrangea macrophylla

Zone Southfield, Michigan 48075 | nana59 added on June 30, 2016 | Answered

I purchased 2 Endless Summer collection plants listed above. One had a lot of blooms already. The other one had just risen up with a lot of green leaves and had small buds looking like it was just going to start budding yesterday. It was beautiful. This morning, the plant looks likes it wilted over. The small buckets were planted into very large pots per instructions and the soil has been kept wet and fertilized with an acid fertilizer. I’m devastated. I don’t know what to do to save this plant. It hasn’t even bloomed yet. Can you help me?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 1, 2016

Make sure the soil is draining of excess moisture.
Provide shade during the hottest part of the day.
Hydrangea will easily when they are stressed from heat and bright sunlight.
Your plants have not had time to develop a good root system yet.
Provide even moisture and make sure the entire root system is receiving moisture but that the roots never sit in soggy soil.

Avoid fertilizing until the plants recover and are actively growing.


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Endless Summer Hydrangea
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