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Hydrangea Plants

Q.Hydrangea does not bloom

Zone 8b | CAVENDISH added on September 6, 2012 | Answered

I have a hydrangea plant. It only bloomed when I first got it from Home Depot 6 years ago!! I planted it in a spot that has full morning sunshine. Leaves are bright green and big. Plant looks healthy except no flowers. I have some tiger lilies, 2 calla lilies beside and around it. I never dare to prune it. What should I do?
Thank you

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 7, 2012
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Answered on September 7, 2012

I don't know why it doesn't bloom but I have four hydrangeas and they bloom every year. Every fall I cut mine back about 2 feet from the ground. One is a blue/purple, one is pale pink and the other two are a medium to darker pink. Obviously where they are planted has a lot to do with the colour of the flowers however, my blue/purple and darker pink ones are planted next to one another with a wooden fence between them. I would try planting it by itself away from plants with spreading roots. My blue/purple one gets very little sun and the other three get mostly afternoon sun.

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