Q.hydrangea has never bloomed
My three year, going on four years old, Expression mophead reblooming hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla Expression from Blewlabel.com and grown by Centerton Nersery Bridgeton, NJ.) have never bloomed. Buds occur for leaves but never for flowers. There is a great deal of shade in the area where they are planted with light sun coming in about 4:00-6:00. Could this be the problem? I’m thinking of moving them to an area with more sunlight. I pruned the first year buy never after that. When I bought them, they were beautiful and blooming. I live 30 miles west of Chicago in a suburb along the Fox River.
For information on the reasons hydrangeas do not bloom, please visit the link below. Pay particular note when it discusses hydrangea macrophilia. Do your hydrangeas die back a lot during the winter? This might be a cause because hydrangea macrophilias bloom on the old wood.
Barring that, your hydrangea may simply not like the place it is located. It sounds like it isn't getting enough sun. Your hydrangea should probably be getting double (4 hours) the amount of sunlight it is getting now.