Q.Hyacinth bulbs have sprouts already
It’s late February in Wisconsin. I’ve planted the bulbs in pots and kept them in an unheated attached garage, watering occasionally and covering them with a blanket when the garage temp dipped below freezing. Now some of them have major sprouts! It’s too early to put them outside. What should I do?

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
These are cold hardy bulbs. They should be planted in early October in your area, so that they can make use of the cold. They will, naturally, be coming about at about this time each year. You can plant them now, but they do better when they are planted in Autumn.
This article will help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/bulbs/hyacinth/planting-and-care-of-hyacinths.htm