Q.Hummingbirds That We “raised”
I did not see anything about the love hummingbirds have for the mulberry plants but when we lived in the Phoenix Arizona metro area we had two mulberry trees and over 1000 nest throughout the year. All in the same season. We had students from the university coming at least 3 times a week to photograph the babies and the eggs. When the nest was counted it was marked so we knew it had already been counted. It was a magnificent sight. Every nest was made new. We never saw a nest being reused. With that many nest, we had to have 39-40 feeders full at all times. It was a magnificent year for the birds and for our family members. Our trees held the most nests of the year. Our birds were mostly the ruby-throated birds but we did have a few others. Another good reason to plant the mulberry trees. Zip given for where the trees were.

Should have said 30-40 feeders.