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Q.Hummingbird Feeder

Zone 77518 | Yvonne added on September 5, 2011 | Answered

I have a tube like, 6-inch hummingbird feeder that I love but this year it drips when I hang it. Does anyone have a solution for this? There is no hole. It’s coming out of the hole for the bird to drink from. I got it at Walmart a few years ago and they don’t bring it in anymore. Help.

I know this is not a gardening question, but every gardener I know loves birds.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on September 11, 2011

Your feeder has to have an air leak somewhere or is hanging crooked , Take a straw in a fountain drink,cover the end and take it out. It should stay full till you remove your finger or turn sideways where air can displace the liquid. If it has a cork stopper it might be getting air inside.

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