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Q.How wide to make garden beds for roses

Zone 7B | docmdx01 added on February 23, 2015 | Answered

Making three rows of roses in the garden and want to know how far apart to set the beds. Would like to be able to walk between rows and the rows will be on a slope with terracing.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on February 28, 2015

Very good to think ahead and plan well. I have had such rose beds. I placed some sandstone stepping stones along the walking area between the rosebushes too. How far apart to plant the rosebushes depends upon the growth habit of the desired rosebushes. Some love to grow more tall and less bushy so need less space than the more bushy ones. Typically floribunda and shrub rosebushes will need lots of room along with some grandiflora rosebushes. Many hybrid tea rosebushes are less bushy. Here are some links to articles that should be of interest to you with this fine venture:





Stan The Rose Man :)

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