Q.Winter Over Angel Trumpet Plant in the House
I have a very large 5 ft. angel trumpet plant that I want to winter over in my house. I live in Washington state and it gets too cold for it to stay outside. I have two 65 watt plant lights on it 6 to 8 hrs a day, but the leaves are turning yellow and falling off. It is blooming beautifully right now, but the leaves are dying. Please tell my how I can save this beautiful plant.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
They do not do well indoors as a houseplant, but you can put them into dormancy indoors and enjoy them again outdoors next summer. It is already trying to go into dormancy, which is why it is losing its leaves. It is not dying, just going to sleep. This article will explain how to care for it in dormancy: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/trees/brugmansia/brugmansia-winter-care-wintering-brugmansia-in-your-home.htm